Tuesday, 24 July 2012
I Tend To Agree... But Its Meaningless
"for everyone born of God overcomes the world."
1 John 5:4
The Boy Scouts of America are at it again! Sticking to their rejection of gay leaders and members, and claiming it is about character. Of course the powerless, misunderstood, and much maligned (and if you believe that I've got a beautiful bridge in Brooklyn to sell you,) LGBT community have been crying foul...AGAIN. Do you know that even as a gay man I could not stand those gay people who wanted to ram their agenda down everybody's throats. I HATED the jerks! I lived as a gay man, but also defiant of the LGBT agenda and those who pushed it off on everyone. Wasn't I aware of how bad gay people had it?? Yeah, I knew many gay people who had it bad, mostly from close family and friends. I'm not saying some of us didn't suffer at the hands of some stupid bigot or religious jerks, but hey, you need to know who hates you so you can avoid them.
I have never had a problem with The Boy Scouts of America. When I finally acknowledged I was a gay man didn't I understand I wouldn't be welcomed by groups like the Scouts? Didn't I understand how hateful and unfair the BSA were being to me??? I didn't care, because I didn't have to hang out with Boy Scouts. I didn't have to hang out with religious people, I didn't have to hang out with the KKK, and I sure didn't have to, or even want to hang out with groups like GLAAD, or PFLAG! If LGBT people have the right to live as they like then so do the Boy Scouts of America. Everyone trying to pressure the BSA to accept gay members and leaders aren't planning to toe the line of the official rules and regulation of the Scouts. The whole idea is to force the BSA to change and get in line with LGBT think. I don't have to like any special interest group. Whether they be religious, atheist, LGBT, racist, so on and so forth. This is America, last time I checked, and The Boy Scouts of America have the right to choose with whom they associate. Though there is a lot of, "sound and fury signifying nothing," there still isn't a shred of factual evidence proving humans are hardwired with any flavor of sexuality.
Sex, like language, is not dictated by biology. Biology dictates, only, that language may develop, but does not dictate that a person speak Swahili, Yiddish, or Tamil. Biology cannot take into account the direction a life will go, and something as complex and varied as language or sexuality is far too complex for biology to dictate. Biology gave Michael Phelps the right kind of long torso, prized in champion swimmers, but biology didn't make Michael Phelps a champion. (I also have the long torso prized in champion swimmers, but I've always been a champion sinker!). As much as gay activists want to claim "I'm born this way," the facts should not be forced to bow to "wishful" thinking. I'd like to have been a championship swimmer, got the body and everything for it, but I wasn't willing to endure the training, and there were other things I liked doing a lot more. I never liked how the gay community bullied everyone who got in their way, and worse still, they've bullied anyone who simply dared to disagree with them. And just for the record I don't like religious creeps like Dr. Dobson, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson. Spare me the Retardation Day Parades lead by self-appointed kings and queens (religious or gay, they're all the same to me) prancing about naked, so we peons can appreciate the non-existent splendor and superiority of their royal garments. The emperor is still nekked no matter how many ways the "Brown Nose" media attempt to spin it. I do hope the Boy Scouts of America stand their ground, and continue to kindly, but gently say, "no".
Of course it doesn't matter what the Boy Scouts of America decide to do now or in the future about gay members and leaders. The Boy Scouts of America don't have a solution for what they believe to be a matter of character. All the Boy Scouts of America can do is say, "no." Nature, including human nature, abhors a vacuum. And if there is no answer; solution; way forward out of homosexuality, (or any other form of sexual brokenness, for that matter), then the only way is backward. The Boy Scouts of America will lose ground, until they have none left to stand on, and you can take that to the bank. If you can't overcome the problem then the problem will overcome you. History is full of terrible stories about base human vice leading to the destruction of great and accomplished cultures. It will never be enough to pass laws and make moral speeches. God sent his righteous and holy laws to human kind, but human kind could not keep God's good and holy laws. The most powerful religious men became petty, cruel, hypocritical, and worthless. God's law failed, not because it was not good, right, and holy, but for the reason that human kind is not good, cannot be righteous, and fall very short of holiness. The God, who first sent the world laws they could not keep, finally sent a single man who could keep all the Laws of God. Only one man in all the history of the world kept all of God's holy and righteous laws. AND then he laid his life down in sacrifice on a Roman cross. One man could keep all the law, and that same ONE man could take all the punishment and all the enslaving power of sin, for all of us law breaking humans. After just 3 days that one man shook the bonds of death and the grave off, as easy as I can dust off my shoe. That Son of Man who overpowered sin, death, and eternal damnation to the grave, now became the giver of eternal life. That one Son of Man can now live in and through, any and every human to overcome the world in and through them. This is the ONLY solution God offers the world. For each and everyone of us, either Jesus will overcome the world, or we, relying on human laws and powerless morality will be crushed by the world. How can the Boy Scouts of America do anything but fail? Did Jesus create the Boy Scouts of America? No, he did not. The Son of Man created his Church, and through that Church he will overcome the world. But if American religious people will not repent, and turn from the world's ways (politics, laws, nation worship, violence, moralizing, and etc.) then they will fall as well. God knew that only Jesus could overcome the world, and he is the only answer; cure; way forward out of every human brokenness and vice. Laws and "standing" up against sin only ever leads to pettiness, cruelty, hypocrisy, and worthlessness. Since no one, including Christians will obey and pursue the ways of God, excluding the "ways of men", then there is no way forward. The only way left is backwards until there is no ground left for standing. God has only one way:
Scouts of America: It was nice knowing you. American Christians: It
was nice to know you too. It's just too bad you wouldn't pursue ONLY
God's ways and reject the ways of human kind, which only ever leads to
destruction. It's been in the Bible for about 3,000 years, so there is
no excuse:
"The way that seems right to human kind, in the end, is always the GPS leading the way to death's kingdom."
Proverbs 14:12