Mom wanted the family to attend her church's version of The Passion Play. They did an admirable job. I liked the script, but the songs were all modern worship songs. The characterizations were good enough. The set was very good, and just the spectacle alone in this massive church was very impressive. (This church building is so big critics call it "Six Flags Over Jesus", and they aren't far off).
There were all the important scenes: Jesus defending an adulterous woman; Jesus confronting the religious leaders; Jesus healing the sick and raising the dead; Jesus arrested; and Jesus crucified. Everything a good "Passion Play" must have it had in spades. It tugged on the heart strings.
I guess my problem is I can't relate to any of the characters, or stories. These days if I wanted to defend a woman caught in adultery I'd first have to find someone who cared about anyone committing adultery. I watched Jesus confront the Pharisees and other religious leaders, but those Pharisees don't look a thing like me. How am I supposed to know what my own religious peccadillos are? I was moved by Jesus' crucifixion. It was clever when they sent up a cloud of smoke and sprung Jesus up through the floor. They even had great way of flying Jesus out of the auditorium when he ascended. My problem is still understanding what the Bible means when I'm told, " is not I who live, but Christ who lives in me..." Look I've been in a couple of "Passion Plays" myself. Their fine, really. I've watched many of them, including the one Mel Gibson did on film several years ago. Passion Plays are great drama, and they pull the heart strings so hard they almost break. What Passion Plays lack is the ability to produce the same passion in my own heart and actions.
The truth is the gospel stories aren't good material for stage or film productions. What the gospels are great at is producing miraculous life changes. Miraculous life changes produce incredible drama in our lives as we, through the Holy Spirit, live out the gospels in our own day to day sojourn.
Just Some Thoughts,