Monday, March 21, 2011


Bike Shorts!

You've heard, "No pain no gain," and I'm good with that.  I have been riding every day, and I'm loving the pain in my legs.   Each day I'm building stamina, as I ride for longer amounts of time.  The problem is pain in another place...where the bike saddle and I meet.   That is not good pain, and I don't look forward to that, at all.   I know I said I wasn't going to get any of those "gross" bike shorts...ha ha ha...I didn't know what I needed when I bought the bike, but I know better now.  I quickly went to the guy who sold me the bike, and had him sell me some "gross" bike shorts.  

today for the first time I rode wearing my new shorts.  Oh! What a feeling some padding makes!   Oh, and I took care of the grossness of the shorts by wearing a pair of light weight basketball shorts over them.   No one watching would know I was wearing my bike underwear.

I'm back in love with my bike!


jps said...

Keep riding; the seat adjusts : )


That's my 2 cents! said...

The shorts did the trick I think, and I'm not bothered by the seats angle, just where the seat hits me between my legs.

And I shall keep riding!

