Thursday, June 27, 2013


The Church's Score: -10


Supreme Court gives a boost to Gay Rights

This may sound really odd coming from me, but I'm having a good laugh right now.  I saw all of this coming years ago.  I have a love/hate relationship with being right.  I'm human so I love being proved right, I've been telling Christians for years and years now, "God isn't in what you've been doing in the  past.  You're going to have to change."   The truth is the Church doesn't have to change at all, and that is the part about being right that I hate.  I knew Christian's attitudes and behaviors were all wrong, but I also knew that the more firmly entrenched Christians became in their positions, the harder it would be to dig out.  The Right condemns sin and sinner alike.  The Left turns a blind eye to sin, and simply swallows it whole.  And today we have the fence sitting Christian who has no strong opinion either way.  No one can find the way through.  No one can find the way, because no one wants to do things God's way.
Somewhere along the way Christianity became grounded in the world.  Instead of God calling the shots directly someone decided if we hated something, and God loved us, then God must hate what we hate.   Then came the next leap in logic:
"If I can make an argument for God hating something, but that God loves me, then I can make the argument that God will bless whatever I do against what we both hate." 
The Bible, of course, goes completely against any argument that if God loves me, and we both hate sin, that God will bless whatever I want to do against sin.  The message of the Bible is that Jesus is God's answer to all sin problems, and Jesus also presents to us the way Father desires to deal with a sinful world and it's sin.  Thus we have many approaches to a sin problem, but the Church is failing miserably because the Church will not obey God.  In the process of attempting to use the same means a very sinful world uses the Church has changed nothing, but, ironically, Herself.   The Church hasn't allowed God to overcome the world's sin and brokenness, but they have become as impotent as the world at dealing with beliefs and behaviors which deal death and damnation to themselves.  Instead of leading a broken humanity lost to sin, to a new hope, peace, and eternal life, the Church is in the throws of her own identity crisis.  And since the Church has sold out so much to a worldly way of doing, they've lost how to work with God toward his eternal goals.
Am I now giving over to complete and total pessimism?  No.  If the Church will repent, and Christians will deny themselves their ways of being and doing, as Christ commands, then everything will change for the Church.  Not much will change in the society around us, the hope for a positive impact on the culture's conscience is a train which left the station long long ago.  The road for the Church is going to be a much harder one, than we'd have had if we'd repented and turned back to obeying and following God's ways.

So Christians you have choice to make.  Were I a betting man, and I'm not, I'd bet against Christians doing the right thing.  Once you start doing the wrong thing doing the right thing gets harder and harder.  The Church has been doing the wrong thing for a long time, but that isn't the problem.  The problem is Christians have found it easier to settle for a great deal less than God's best, and keep hobbling along without change.  It's sin of settling for less that's the real problem.  

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